Situation Analysis of Road Safety Education for Senior High School Student in
Yogyakarta City
Road safety has now become the main
concern in the world. According Global Status Report on Road Safety published
by the World Health Organization, road accident becomes the ninth leading cause
of death in 2004. It is reported that more than 1.2 million people die each
year on the world’s road and between 20 to 50 million suffer non-fatal injuries
(WHO, 2009). Over 90% of the world’s fatalities on the roads occur in
low-income and middle-income countries, which have only 48% of the world’s
vehicles. Furthermore, in terms of cause of death by age, WHO reported that
road traffic injuries had become the first leading cause of death for people of
15-29 years old.
Responding the above condition,
General Assembly of the United Nations had declared Decade of Actions (DoA) for
Road Safety 2011-2020 on March 2010. In general, the DoA is aimed at
controlling and reducing fatality of road traffic casualties by increasing the
number of activities conducted in national, regional and global level. The DoA
has targeted to reduce the number of fatality by 50% in 2020.
In Indonesia, according to the data
from Indonesia Traffic Police, the number of road traffic accident in 2010 was
109,319, causing 31,234 deaths and 69,977 serious injuries. The number has made
road traffic become the seventh leading cause of death in Indonesia. Furthermore,
from the total number of accident, 69% accidents involved motorcycle and 27%
involved people of 17-30 of age. In the effort to reduce road traffic fatality,
the Government of Indonesia had established National Road Safety Master Plan
(subsequently called as Rencana Umum Nasional Kesemantan (RUNK)). RUNK is a
long-term (25 years) plan with the spirit of sustainability, coordination and
togetherness based on the understanding that road safety is everyone’s responsibility.
Furthermore, to comply with the DoA for Road Safety program as launched by UN, the
first 10-year programs of RUNK have been declared as DoA for Road Safety
2011-2020 programs of the Republic of Indonesia. The main objective of RUNK is
to reduce fatality rate as assessed based on fatality rate per 10,000 vehicles,
commonly called as fatality index per 10,000 vehicles. The reduction is
calculated based on the accident data published by the traffic police in 2010.
As the strategy to achieve their objectives,
DoA for Road Safety 2011-2020 as declared by UN and RUNK as established by the
Government of Indonesia will apply five-pillar approach: (1) building
management capacity; (2) influencing road design and framework management; (3)
influencing vehicle safety design; (4) influencing road user behavior; and (5)
improving post crash care. As stipulated in the RUNK, each pillar will have
different action programs and activities. In the implementation, each pillar
will consist of various government agencies which use their authority based on
mutually inclusive principle.
Pillar Four, in particular, will be
responsible to improve road user behavior through the development of
comprehensive programs, including law enforcement and education improvement. Several
programs and activities have been stipulated in RUNK to achieve its target. One
of the programs is establishment of formal and non-formal education on road
safety which is the main responsibility of Ministry of Education and Culture,
supported by Indonesia Traffic Police, Ministry of Transportation, and Ministry
of Labor. It is expected that road safety education could contribute to
influence road user behaviors, particularly those causing accident. This true
as education is the process to change attitude and behavior of individual,
group, or community so that they could perform as expected by the educators
(Soekidjo Notoatmodjo, 2003).
In Indonesia, furthermore, the
implementation of education is stipulated by Law Number 20 Year 2003 Regarding
National Education System. According to the law, formal education is structured
and staged education path which may consist of elementary education, secondary
education, and higher education. Meanwhile, non-formal education is education path
outside the formal education which can be implemented structurally and in
Considering the importance of road
safety and comprehensively understanding the general concept of education, it
is believed that road safety education could provide great contribution in
influencing road user behaviors and that road safety education can be
implemented through both formal and non-formal education paths. This implies
that road safety can be delivered in elementary, secondary, and higher
education institution as well as in training course and that the delivered
material should be adjusted with the needs of each group. As the consequence,
needs analysis should be conducted to find the appropriate material for each